Toggle shoutbox№229 01.02.2021 20:01:27Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Переводчик Фламеля не понимает смысла того текста, который он переводит и плюс к этому пропуски кусков текста .
Много примеров. Например, он перевел: "возьми дитя сатурна и саблевидных халибд бога войны" Переводчик комментирует текст, как редко откровенный, потому что не понимает сути.
Саблевидные халибы - синоним сталь, а Марс - синоним железо. Сталь и железо два совершенно разных вещества. Как Ариес и Арес. А вот саблевидные халибы и дитя сатурна одно и тоже.
Сатурнию называют сталью как инструментом резания "ключ режет"
О Первой операции - Подготовка Меркурия летающими орлами
Знай, мой брат, что точное приготовление Орлов Мудреца, является высшим достижением нашего искусства. В этой первой части нашей работы, ничего не будет сделано без тяжкого и настойчивого труда, хотя это правда, что после этого вещество развивается под влиянием мягкого тепла без применения рук. Мудрецы говорят, что их орлы должны быть взяты для поглощения льва, и что они тем быстрее одержат победу, чем они многочисленнее, также, как и число работ колеблется между 7 и 9. Меркурий Мудрецов это птица Гермеса (ныне гусь, фазан сейчас). Но орлы всегда упоминаются во множественном числе, и номером от 3 до сказанного. Тем не менее, это не следует понимать так, как будто там должно быть так много веса или частей воды на одну часть земли, но вода должна быть столько раз приведена в действие или усилена, сколько есть орлов. Это приведение в действие производится возгонкой. Существует одна возгонка Меркурия Мудрецов, когда упоминается один орел, а седьмая возгонка так укрепит Меркурий, что будет готова ванна вашего Короля... А сейчас позвольте рассказать вам, как выполняется эта часть работы. Возьмите 4 части нашего огненного дракона, у которого в животе скрывается магическое Железо (Chalybs), и 9 частей нашего Магнита, смешайте их с помощью сильного огня, в виде минеральной воды, пену с которой нужно снять. Снимите оболочку, и возьмите ядро. Очистите то, что осталось еще раз с помощью огня и солнца, что можно легко сделать, если Сатурн увидит себя в зеркале Марса. Тогда вы получите наш Chameleon (Хамелеон), или Chaos (Хаос), в котором все достоинства нашего искусства потенциально присутствуют. Это младенец Гермафродит, который, через укус бешеной собаки, был так испуган воды, что, несмотря на родственную природу, он всегда избегает и обходит её. Но в роще Дианы два голубя, которые рассеивают его бешеное безумие, если применяются искусства нимфы Меркурия. Возьмите его и опустите в воду, покуда не погибнет в нем, тогда бешеный и черный пес появится тяжело дыша, почти задыхаясь - гоните его вниз сильными ударами, и тьма рассеется. Дайте ему крылья, когда Луна будет полной, и он улетит, как орел, в результате чего голуби Дианы останутся мертвыми (хотя сначала они должны быть живыми). Повторите это семь раз, и ваша работа будет сделана, то нежное варево, которое следует, является игрой ребенка и работой женщины.
Toggle shoutbox№230 01.02.2021 22:15:12Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
1 - Using a mortar, grind to a fine powder 1 cup raw sea salt and then dissolve in 1 liter of dew with 10ml of Holy Water, and shake from time to time. After 4 days, filter all the undissolved salt out. Don’t ever let the temperature get above 70°F during this time, or the spirit will escape from the dew and all your work will be in vein. Even 70°F may be a little too warm and some of the spirit will be lost. This first step is crucial, because for this process to work the water needs to be completely saturated with salt so that it will let go of the "Alkahest" and precipitate it as a powder each time you overheat the flask.
2 - Pour this salt water into a flask until its 2/3 full, then seal it and set it into digestion of a Balneo Mary bath. This means to place the flask in a bowl of water that is heated to around 110° to 120°F. But instead of using a water bath, this can easily be achieved using a heating pad sold at Walgreens for only $15. Simply wrap the heating pad around the flask or bottle. The temperature should be around 130°F, but the water temperature in the flask will be slightly lower due to the glass barrier. The top of the flask will also be much cooler, allowing the vapors to again condense into droplets of water.
3 - After 40 days (a Philosophical Month, 6 weeks) there should be a black powder that has precipitated to the bottom of the flask, not yet a salt, only a powder. Sometimes it may take as much as 50 days for the powder to become black. Within the first week you will see the powder forming on the bottom, which will look like floating debris, but it will take the entire 6 weeks for the powder to become black or at least darker.
4 - Place the flask in a dry sand bath for 2 weeks at 200°F, and the powder on the bottom will coagulate and become a gray salt, no longer black.
5 - When this happens, makes sure that no more than 2 days pass before you change the flask back to the low temperature of the Balneo Mary bath. After another 2 weeks pass, the matter will slowly redissolve into the water and putrefy, then again fall out.
6 - Again put the flask in your sand bath, and it will form itself into a salt, which again will be even lighter in color than before. Repeat this cycle of placing the flask in the Balneo Mary bath and then in the sand bath, and on the 5th time, it will be snow white, and if you were to take some of it out of your flask and place it on a hot silver plate, it would melt like wax.
7 - But keep the flask sealed, and set it back into the Balneo Mary bath to putrefy once more, and after enough time has again past, a third of the salt will dissolve into the water. Now filter and set aside the salt which did not dissolve and the salt water is now the Mercury of the Philosopher's and the Alkahest able to instantly dissolve all metals without violence and bring them to their highest state of perfection.
8 - This water can be taken at a dose of 5 drops, and it will wonderfully increase your thinking power and memory, and if administration is continued, it will sharpen your senses until you can both see and hear the spirit world, and in that way, you will be invited into the true and invisible Order of the Rosicrucians. But a word of caution: I do not have enough experience with this Alkahest to know the dosage. The original manuscript says to take only 5 drops, and does not say if this is to be a single dose, or if you should continue ingestion. Other alchemy texts say that if you take a single drop each day in a small glass of wine, after one month you will be able to see and hear the elemental spirits. Since you are now only half way through the process of making the completed Stone, you will have plenty of time to allow these new changes to happen to your mind while you are waiting for the digestion of the Alkahest with gold to be completed. It will take another 2 months, and you will be prepared for it when the work is finally done because the Alkahest will have already increased the beauty and creativity of your mind to an extraordinary extent. I will explain more details about the mental effects of taking this elixir in the next chapter.
9 - To make the Philosopher's Stone from this most blessed and holy salt water, all one need do is dissolve fine gold or silver leaf in the water warmed up to a gentle heat, and it dissolves without violence, and without release of gasses which proves this is no chemical reaction taking place, and after four days, filter the solution so the remaining undissolved metal is left behind. And the solution is now supersaturated with the metal. *Some people have theorized that dew contains ammonium nitrate and this combined with sodium chloride will dissolve gold. That is not true because ammonium nitrate reacts with salt to produce sodium nitrate and ammonium chloride anyway, and acid is not magically made just by digesting these two together. Besides that, our Alkahest dissolves the metals instantly which there is no chemically explanation for. The pH of the solution is neutral.
10 - Set it in Balneo Mary to putrefy, and treat it as you did before, doing the same simple process of the Balneo Mary bath and the coagulations in the dry sand bath. After each digestion in Baleno Mary then coagulation in the sand bath, the stone is multiplied. And after the 5th cycle, it will begin to literally glow and emit its own light. The stone from gold will glow like a hot coal, and the one from silver will shine like a florescent lamp, but since the alchemists of the past didn’t have florescent lamps, the described it as shinning like the moon. If you attempt to bring it further into the 6th multiplication or 7th, it will penetrate the glass, causing a terrible poisonous gas odor. If your intent is to bring it even further, you must use a quartz flask. ( But many alchemists have warned of the great danger involved with handling the stone when it’s been brought passed the 7 th multiplications, and they tell of a great catastrophe that could result. It’s unclear if they mean an explosion, or simply a vaporization of the entire Stone as it converts into pure light which then kills you.
A word about transmutation: One gram of the glowing stone of the 5 th order is worth over 16 billion dollars US. From a single milligram of that stone (the size of a grain of salt), you can transmute 1 gram of gold into the projection powder. And from that you can make 100 kilos of gold which is over 16 million dollars. So using 1 gram of the stone instead of 1 milligram, you would have 16 million x 1,000 which is 16 billion dollars. (And it can also be made from even rarer metals.) So now when you are holding the flask that contains your glowing stone, you will understand just how precious a gem this really is. But if you had only used the stone of the 1st order, then you would project only 1 part on 5 parts of gold, and the resulting projection powder would only transmute 10 parts of lead to gold. I know this doesn’t make since if you do math, because by this logic the stone of the 5 th Order should transmute 50,000 parts of gold to the red glass for projection, but for some reason it’s only 5,000 parts.
NOTES: The Stone can be ingested as a medicine, but only when it's in the 1st order. In the 2nd and 3rd multiplications it will 'fire' the body and bring a very painful death. And the projection powder must NEVER be ingested, and is only used for transmutation. As you have seen, this Alkahest when used on metals makes first a medicine from them, and when that medicine is then projected on them, they are changed to whatever metal was used to make the original stone. This holds true for most of the metals, but Antimony and Bismuth are very different. If Antimony is used, it does not change metals into Antimony, but instead into Gold. And if you make the stone from Bismuth, it is heavier than lead, and gleams like shinning garnet, instead of glowing like a hot coal the way the Stone from gold does. You can collect the morning dew by simply placing a bag of ice in a bucket or pitcher around lam and bringing back inside around 5am. This will give you at least 50ml per night. Do not collect the dew by dragging a canvas cloth along the grass, because you can’t distill the dew to purify it; it needs to be use raw for this process to work. The same holds true for the sea salt. It can be cleansed by water washes only, and then allowed to sun dry. Note that in the original book "Secret Teachings of All Ages", the author edits the letter and puts in the word "[to distill]" when there is actually NO distillation what-so-ever in this process. The flask is simply sealed, then heated at 2 different temperatures in order to dissolve and coagulate the stone. The entire work itself is nothing but "solve et coagula" (dissolve and coagulate). It's truly child's play, and even the solvent that is made which dissolves the metals is harmless to ingest in small doses, and itself is a medicine which dissolves something in the brain and allows the doors to psychic perception to swing open. And if you abuse your power, your spirit guide will abandon you, and you will fall from the loving embrace of the heavens, and be forever miserable. Look always to the Creator, and be forever grateful this gift has been bestowed upon you.
Toggle shoutbox№231 01.02.2021 22:20:08Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
“A TRUE REVELATION OF THE MANUAL OPERATION FOR THE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE COMMONLY CALLED ‘THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE’. By the celebrated philosopher of Leyden, as attested upon his deathbed with his own Blood, Anno Domini 1662. To my Loving Cousin and Son, the True Hermetic Philosopher — “Dear Loving Cousin and Son: Although I had resolved never to give in writing to any person the secret of the Ancient Sages, yet not withstanding out of peculiar affection and love to you, I have taken it upon me, to which the nearness of our relation obliges me, and especially because this temporal life is short, and Art is very dark and you may therefore not attain the wished for end; — but my Son because so precious a jewel belongs not to swine; and also this so great a gift of God may be treated carefully and Christianlike, in consideration thereof I do so largely declare myself to thee. I conjure thee with hand and mouth sacredly; 1 st That most especially thou faithfully keep the same from all wicked, lustful and criminal persons. 2 nd That thou exalt not thyself in any way. 3 rd That thou seek to advance the honor of thy Creator of all things and the good of thy neighbor, preserve it sacredly that thy Lord may not have cause to complain of thee at the last day. I have written here in this treatise such a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, just as I myself worked this treasure and finished it with my fingers, therefore I have subscribed all this work with my blood, lying on my deathbed in Leyden. THE PROCESS — In the Name of God, take of the purest and cleanest salt, sea salt, so as it is made by the sun itself, such as is brought by shipping from Spain, let it be dried in a warm stove, grind it in a stone mortar, as fine as possible to a powder, that is may be so much the easier dissolved and taken up by our Dew-water, which is thus to be had in the months of May or June: When the Moon is at the full, observe when the dew falls with an East or South East wind. Then you must have sticks about one half feet high about the ground when driven in the Earth. Upon two or three such sticks, lay some four square plates of glass, and as the dew falls it easily fastens on the glass like a vapour, then have glass Vessels in readiness, let the dew drain from the sides of the glasses into your vessel. Do this until you have enough. The full of the Moon is a good season, afterwards it will be hard. Now when you have enough of your dew close your glasses exactly, and keep it till you use it, that none of its spirits may evaporate, which may easily happen. Set it therefore in a cool place, that no warmth may come to it, or else the subtle spirit will rise and be gone; which will not so happen if after you have filled your glasses with Dew quite full, you close them very well with wax. Now in the Name of God, take of this Dew-water as much as thou wilt, put in a clean dissolving glass, then cast a little of your forementioned powdered salt into it to be dissolved, and continue to put it in till your Dew-water will dissolve no more or till the salt lies in it four days without being dissolved, then it has enough, and unto your Dew is given its proper powder. Of this compounded water, take as much as thou wilt, I took about a pound and a half (24 oz), and put it into a round vial with a short neck, fill it with our water and lute it with good lute {note that here he says to just fill the bottle, but later in the letter he says to fill the bottle 2/3 full as you did before ), a cover and stopple that fits well, and the subtle and living spirit of the dew may not fume away, for if they should the soul of the salt shall never be stirred up, nor the work ever brought to a right end. Let the lute dry very well of itself, and set it in the furnace of B.M. (Balneo Mary) to putrefy. Make a slow fire and let it digest for forty days or fifty, and that the fume of the water be continually round about it, and you will see your matter grow black, which is a token of it’s putrefaction. As soon as you have taken it out, have your dry furnace ready. Set your glass with the matter into an inner globe to coagulate, give it a slow degree of fire, continue it equally for twelve or fifteen days, and your matter will begin to coagulate and to fasten round about your glass like gray salt, which as soon as you see and before it be two days, slacken the fire that I may cool leisurely. Then have in readiness your putrefying furnace as before. Let it stand twelve days, and again you will see the matter resolve and open as before, and open itself, but you must every time see that the lute and your glass is not hurt. When you set your glass in the putrefying furnace, take care the neck of your glass is covered with a wooden or glass stopper that fits it exactly, that the moisture of the water may not come at it. When you see it black set your glass as before to coagulate and when it begins to be of a grayish color and whitish, set it in a third time to putrefy, and coagulate to the fifth time, until you see that your water in its dissolution be clean, pellucid and clear, and that it appears in its Calcination of a fine white like Snow. Then it is prepared and becomes a Salt fixed which will melt on hot Silver plate like wax; but before you set this your Salt out, set it again then furnace of putrefaction that it may dissolve of itself, then let it cool, open your Glass and you will find your Matter lessened a third part. But instead of your former Salt Water you will have a fine Sweet very penetrating Water which the Philosophers have hid under very wonderful Names — It is the Mercury of all true Philosophers, the Water out of which comes Gold and Silver, for they say its Father is Gold and its Mother is Silver. Thus hast thou the strength of both Luminaries conjoined in this Water, most true, in its right Pondus. Prescription. 5 Drops of this Water taken inwardly strengthens the understanding and memory, and opens to us most wonderful and sweet things, of which no man hath heard, and of which I dare not further write, because of the Oath I made God to the contrary. Time and the holy use of this blessed Water will teach us, as soon you have taken it inwardly such influence will happen to thee as if the whole heavens and all the stars with their powers are working in thee. All Knowledge and secret Arts will be opened to thee as in a dream, but the most excellent of all is, you will perfectly learn rightly to know all creatures in their Nature, and by means thereof, the true understanding of God, the Creator of us, Heaven and Earth, like David and Moses and all the Saints of God, for the wisdom of our fountain of living Water will instruct thee as it did Solomon and the Brethren of our fraternity. Would you now proceed further with our blessed Water to the forementioned intention of preparing a Tincture of Metals, hearken my Son— “Take in the NAME of the Lord, of thy Paradisiacal Water, of heavenly Water of Mercury, as much as thou wilt, put it into a Glass to dissolve, and set it in a slow heat of Ashes, that is may just feel the warmth, then have ready well purified Gold for the Red, or Silver for the White Elixir, for in both the Processes are the same. Let your Gold or Silver be beaten as thin as leaf Gold, cast it by degrees into your dissolving Glass, that contains your blessed Water, as you did in the beginning with your Salt, and it will melt like ice in Warm Water, and continue so to do till your Gold or Silver be lie therein four days without dissolving, then it has received it due Pondus. Then put this dissolution as before into a round Glass, fill it two thirds parts full, seal it hermetically as before, let your Sigillum be well dried. Set it in the furnace of Balneum Vaopri, make a fire and let it remain forty days, as before, then will the Gold or Silver be dissolved radically and will turn of the deepest black in the world, which as soon as you see, have your other drying furnace in readiness. Philosophers say there is no true solution of the body without a proceeding coagulation of the spirit for they are interchangeably mixed in due proportion, whereby the bodily essence becomes of a spiritual penetrating nature. On the other hand the incomprehensible spiritual essential virtue is also made corporeal by the fire, because there is made between them so near a relation or friendship, like as the heavens operate to the very Depth of Earth and producing from thence all the treasures and riches of the whole World. Admirandum Naturae Operationem in Archidoxes Cognitam. With this Powder — You may as follows project on metals. Take five parts of fine Gold or Silver according as you work, and melt it in a Crucible. Wrap up your Medicine in Wax, cast it therein, and give a strong fire for an hour, then take the Crucible out, as it were, calcined, then cast one part on ten parts of imperfect metals, be it what it will, and the same will be immediately changed into purer Metal, than what is brought out of the Mines and produced by Melting; and when you augment it in strength and virtue by resolving and coagulating, the fifth time it will resolve itself in three days and be coagulated in twenty-four hours time, to an incredible and most highly pellucid Stone or Red Shinning burning Coal. For the white work it will become like a white stream of Lightning. Of this last coagulation take one part, cast it upon five thousand of melted Gold or Silver as before. It changes the same into perfect Medicine (only for metals), one part thereof will tinge one hundred thousand parts of melted imperfect Metals into the very finest Gold or Silver. So far I have brought and further I would not come, for as I would set in the matter six times in twelve hours, it subtilized so highly that the most part (like somewhat most wonderful to behold) past through the Glass causing an inexpressible odoriferous Smell. Take heed that is happens not to you. Many more wonders of this holy Art might be added, namely how to prepare therewith all sorts of precious Stones, and other most admirable things, but it would require too great a book to express the whole as it ought to be, especially as the Art is endless and not to be apprehended with one view, and my purpose has been. Loving Cousin and Son, devoutly to lead thee into the Mysteries of Nature and this holy Science, and I have faithfully performed it. Go thou to work as I have done before thee, fear God, Love thy neighbor from the bottom of thy Soul sincerely. So will in the Manual operation, everything to thee, and when thou art at work therein many of our brethren will reveal themselves to thee, of our holy order, privately; For I have on my part by the Eternal God wrote the truth which I found out by prayer and searching into Nature, which work I have seen with my eyes, and with my hands extracted. Therefore also I have subscribed this Testament with my own blood, the last day of my Life on my deathbed. Actum Leyden, 27 March 1662.”
Toggle shoutbox№232 01.02.2021 22:57:31Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Toggle shoutbox№233 02.02.2021 00:55:43Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Toggle shoutbox№234 02.02.2021 04:04:03Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Обезьянье дитя выдает себя за адепта и для пущей убедительности своей умности и знаний, пытается рассказывать алхимию на русскоязычном форуме на иносраном языке. Слава Богу не на абракатабре книги Войнича, которую по его утверждению он успешно перевел.
Сделай одолжение адепт (обладатель философского камня), переведи своим фанатам смысл слов, которые ты написал им русскими буквами.
1. Что такое наше золото и в чем его отличие от камня?
2. Что такое постоянное золото?
3. Что такое наша ртуть?
4. Что такое соль мудрецов?
5. Почему соли мудрецов нет в природе, она результат искусства мастера?
6. Как получить птицу Гермеса?
7. Что за дракон с железом в животе?
8. Что такое магнит?
9. Что такое алхимический Хаос?
10. Что такое укус бешеной собаки?
11. Почему после него возникает боязнь воды?
12. Что такое голуби Дианы?
13. Почему они умирают в процессе оживления?
Большинство хорошо знают эту работу Филарета. Я лично учил ее раз 100 и могу разъяснить все операции и назвать современные названия применяемых веществ. Но я посторонний на этом форуме, у меня нет друзей, с которыми я мог бы делится (обмениваться) опытом работы и я не выдаю себя за адепта. А вот ваш товарищ сказочный лжец, он не сможет ничего, ни назвать, ни разъяснить. Отсутствие ума при бесконечных понтах. Хотя чего можно ожидать от футболиста?
Toggle shoutbox№235 02.02.2021 05:09:57Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Toggle shoutbox№236 02.02.2021 05:15:30Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Toggle shoutbox№237 02.02.2021 09:17:16Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Обезьянье дитя выдает себя за адепта и для пущей убедительности своей умности и знаний, пытается рассказывать алхимию на русскоязычном форуме на иносраном языке. Слава Богу не на абракатабре книги Войнича, которую по его утверждению он успешно перевел.
Сделай одолжение адепт (обладатель философского камня), переведи своим фанатам смысл слов, которые ты написал им русскими буквами.
Значит так, ублюдок. Ты меня выбесил. Пизда тебе и тебе подобным!
1. Что такое наше золото и в чем его отличие от камня?
Это наночастицы золота. Они настолько мелкие, что разлагают отраженный солнечный свет на радужный спектр. Получаются из эфирного масла, одним из путей.
2. Что такое постоянное золото?
Обычное металлическое золото
3. Что такое наша ртуть?
4. Что такое соль мудрецов?
Хлорид галлия
5. Почему соли мудрецов нет в природе, она результат искусства мастера?
Она везде есть, искусство очистить ее.
6. Как получить птицу Гермеса?
Это и есть летучий хлорид галлия
7. Что за дракон с железом в животе?
Каменный уголь с галлием в " сердцевине "
8. Что такое магнит?
9. Что такое алхимический Хаос?
Разложение галлия солью с образованием серой соли - грязного хлорида галлия
10. Что такое укус бешеной собаки?
Боязнь воды.
11. Почему после него возникает боязнь воды?
У меня болезнь не дошла до этой стадии, я лечился органическими солями ртути и золота. Дошло только до ночных кошмаров и помутнения сознания.
12. Что такое голуби Дианы?
Медный купорос
13. Почему они умирают в процессе оживления?
Я не делал этого процесса. Тут речь о замещении меди
Большинство хорошо знают эту работу Филарета. Я лично учил ее раз 100 и могу разъяснить все операции и назвать современные названия применяемых веществ. Но я посторонний на этом форуме, у меня нет друзей, с которыми я мог бы делится (обмениваться) опытом работы и я не выдаю себя за адепта. А вот ваш товарищ сказочный лжец, он не сможет ничего, ни назвать, ни разъяснить. Отсутствие ума при бесконечных понтах. Хотя чего можно ожидать от футболиста?
Лжец ты блять и клеветник. Убить тебя мало, антихрист ебаный!
Toggle shoutbox№238 02.02.2021 09:35:23Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Toggle shoutbox№239 02.02.2021 09:45:35Отв.: Путь Анимированной Ртути.
Лет так эдак 5 назад в сети был опыт, название: толи Древо Дианы, толи Клеопатры? но потом его быстро удалили. очень похож на опыт - золотого дождя. Ток там использовали серебро а не свинец. интересно что за эксперимент, кто видел что либо похожее?